All our in-line process refractometers and sensors perform industrial measurements continuously and in real time. This technology is also known as PAT (Process Analytical Technology). PAT by SCHMIDT + HAENSCH allows you to monitor and control your process without product loss or process divergence – always fully in line with your production.
With SCHMIDT + HAENSCH process sensors and refractometers, quality control and the determination of liquid concentration and mixing ratios becomes easy: Measurements are always reliable an independent of turbidity, color, absorption and viscosity – ensuring maximum precision and better control of your processes.
Process Analytical Technology (PAT) is also a manufacturing methodology for high value chemicals and pharmaceuticals. Critical parameters (CPPs) and key performance indicators (KPIs) of the process are thoroughly understood, well-defined and continually monitored in order to ensure that the pre-defined critical quality attributes (CQA) of the final product are consistently achieved. PAT measures key quality and performance indicators in raw materials, in-process materials and processes in real-time. A well designed PAT-based process is stable, ensuring that the critical parameters and indicators remain within pre-described limits to ensure product quality and process safety.
An important area of application is the food-analysis. For example the investigation of oils or fat, sugar and sugar containing substances. Also beer and spirituous beverages belong to the material class, which are investigated by refractometry as well as clinical chemistry. Furthermore, refractometers are used as universal detectors in the investigation of liquids. Find out about all possible applications of Schmidt + Haensch process analystical technology (PAT) below, or see a full list of application notes here.
Высококачественные лабораторные приборы, технологические аналитические системы и решения для автоматизации.
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