Oechsle scale

Measure the density of grape must

The Oechsle scale is used to measure the density of grape must, which indicates the grape ripeness and sugar content used for wine production. One degree Oechsle (° Oe) corresponds to the difference of density between the must and water at 20°C. Thus a must with a density of 1036 grams per litre has 36° Oe. The scale is used to to predict the alcohol content of the wine which depends on the sugar content of the must. In general, a refractometer is used to determine the density of the must. The refractometer measures the index of refraction which correlates to the degree of Oechsle. The Schmidt + Haensch iPR-C, iPR-BR, ATR-BR as well as the ATR-P are suitable for an fast, easy and precise determination of those pararmeters.

Empfohlene Messgeräte

Schmidt.+ Haensch ATR-BR
Compact Refractometer
High Performance Refractometer
DHR - Handheld refractometer by S+H
Handheld Refractometer
iPR B3
Inline Brix Refractometer
Hygenic Design Process Refractometer
Inline Process Refractometer with Certified Hygienic Design
iPR C2
Compact Inline Process Refractometer
iPR EX – Explosion Protected
ATEX inline Measurements
iCS Concentration Sensor
Customizable process sensor

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