Quality control of pharmaceuticals

Determination of the enantiomeric ratio

Pharmaceuticals are optically active, which means that there are at least two different forms of the molecule. These forms are called enantiomers. Each enantiomer can have different physiological effects. That is why the separation of those enantiomers is very important for most of today’s drugs. The determination of the enantiomeric ratio of a substance mix is most reliably performed by SCHMIDT + HAENSCH’s pharmaceutical polarimeters. A highly precise way of ruling out health risks for patients.

21 CFR Part 11 compliant

All SCHMIDT + HAENSCH polarimeters are 21 CFR Part 11 certified and comply with FDA standards. Documemation is made possible with the Aquisys pharma-ready software for our measuring instruments.

Empfohlene Messgeräte

VariPol - Polarimeter for pharmaceutic applications
VariPol – Polarimeter
Modular Polarimeter for Pharma & more
High-Resolution Refractometer
Aquisys Software
Intelligent Laboratory Software

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